Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in giny.model

Methods in giny.model that return Node
abstract  Node[] GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent.getRestoredNodes()
abstract  Node[] GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent.getHiddenNodes()
          Deprecated. Use getHiddenNodeIndices() instead; the nodes returned by this method may have undefined state.
abstract  Node[] GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent.getSelectedNodes()
          Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node selection logic.
abstract  Node[] GraphPerspectiveChangeEvent.getUnselectedNodes()
          Deprecated. Nowhere in GraphPerspective is there functionality that specifies node un-selection logic.
 Node GraphPerspective.hideNode(Node node)
          If this GraphPerspective does not hide the given Node, change it so that it does hide the node and all of its incident edges.
 Node GraphPerspective.restoreNode(Node node)
          If this GraphPerspective hides the given Node, change it so that it does not hide the node.
 Node GraphPerspective.getNode(int index)
          Return a Node which is in this GraphPerspective.
 Node Edge.getSource()
 Node Edge.getTarget()
abstract  Node[] RootGraphChangeEvent.getCreatedNodes()
abstract  Node[] RootGraphChangeEvent.getRemovedNodes()
          Deprecated. Use getRemovedNodeIndices() instead; the nodes returned by this method may have undefined state.
abstract  Node[][] RootGraphChangeEvent.getMetaRelationshipCreatedNodes()
abstract  Node[][] RootGraphChangeEvent.getMetaRelationshipRemovedNodes()
 Node RootGraph.removeNode(Node node)
          Remove the given Node and all Edges incident on it from this RootGraph and all of its GraphPerspectives.
 Node RootGraph.getNode(int node_index)
          Return the Node with the given index in this RootGraph.

Methods in giny.model with parameters of type Node
 Node GraphPerspective.hideNode(Node node)
          If this GraphPerspective does not hide the given Node, change it so that it does hide the node and all of its incident edges.
 Node GraphPerspective.restoreNode(Node node)
          If this GraphPerspective hides the given Node, change it so that it does not hide the node.
 boolean GraphPerspective.containsNode(Node node)
          Return true if the given Node is in this GraphPerspective.
 boolean GraphPerspective.containsNode(Node node, boolean recurse)
          Return true if the given Node is in this GraphPerspective.
 GraphPerspective GraphPerspective.createGraphPerspective(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges)
          Deprecated. Use RootGraph.createGraphPerspective(int[], int[]) instead.
 java.util.List GraphPerspective.neighborsList(Node node)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns a non-repeating list of all nodes N in this GraphPerspective such that N is a "node neighbor" of node, the input parameter.
 boolean GraphPerspective.isNeighbor(Node a_node, Node another_node)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns true if and only if a_node is a "node neighbor" of another_node in this GraphPerspective.
 boolean GraphPerspective.edgeExists(Node from, Node to)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways: this method returns true if and only if either 1) there exists a directed edge E in this GraphPerspective such that the from node specified is E's source node and the target node specified is E's target node or 2) there exists an undirected edge E in this GraphPerspective such that E's endpoints are the from and to nodes specified.
 int GraphPerspective.getEdgeCount(Node from, Node to, boolean count_undirected_edges)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
 java.util.List GraphPerspective.edgesList(Node from, Node to)
          Return a new List of the Edges in this GraphPerspective from the first given Node to the second given Node.
 int GraphPerspective.getInDegree(Node node)
          Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getTarget().equals( node ).
 int GraphPerspective.getInDegree(Node node, boolean count_undirected_edges)
          Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
 int GraphPerspective.getOutDegree(Node node)
          Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
 int GraphPerspective.getOutDegree(Node node, boolean count_undirected_edges)
          Return the number of Edges e in this GraphPerspective such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
 int GraphPerspective.getDegree(Node node)
          Return the number of distinct Edges in this GraphPerspective incident on the given Node.
 int GraphPerspective.getIndex(Node node)
          Return the index of the given Node in the underlying RootGraph.
 boolean GraphPerspective.isMetaParent(Node child, Node parent)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List GraphPerspective.metaParentsList(Node node)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 boolean GraphPerspective.isMetaChild(Node parent, Node child)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List GraphPerspective.nodeMetaChildrenList(Node node)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 boolean GraphPerspective.isMetaParent(Edge child, Node parent)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 boolean GraphPerspective.isMetaChild(Node parent, Edge child)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List GraphPerspective.edgeMetaChildrenList(Node node)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List GraphPerspective.getAdjacentEdgesList(Node node, boolean include_undirected_edges, boolean incoming_edges, boolean outgoing_edges)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
 GraphPerspective RootGraph.createGraphPerspective(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges)
          Create a new GraphPerspective with just the given Nodes and Edges (and all Nodes incident on the given Edges).
 Node RootGraph.removeNode(Node node)
          Remove the given Node and all Edges incident on it from this RootGraph and all of its GraphPerspectives.
 int RootGraph.createNode(Node[] nodes, Edge[] edges)
          Create a new Node in this RootGraph, and return its index.
 int RootGraph.createEdge(Node source, Node target)
          Create a directed Edge from the given source Node to the given target Node, and return its index.
 int RootGraph.createEdge(Node source, Node target, boolean directed)
          Create an Edge from the given source Node to the given target Node, and return its index.
 boolean RootGraph.containsNode(Node node)
          Return true if the given Node is in this RootGraph.
 java.util.List RootGraph.neighborsList(Node node)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns a non-repeating list of all nodes N in this RootGraph such that N is a "node neighbor" of node, the input parameter.
 boolean RootGraph.isNeighbor(Node a_node, Node another_node)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways, please note that the definition of "node neighbor" is such: Node A is a "node neighbor" of node B if and only if there exists an edge [directed or undirected] E such that A is E's target and B is E's source, or A is E's source and B is E's target; this method then returns true if and only if a_node is a "node neighbor" of another_node in this RootGraph.
 boolean RootGraph.edgeExists(Node from, Node to)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead; if you decide to use this method anyways: this method returns true if and only if either 1) there exists a directed edge E in this RootGraph such that the from node specified is E's source node and the target node specified is E's target node or 2) there exists an undirected edge E in this RootGraph such that E's endpoints are the from and to nodes specified.
 int RootGraph.getEdgeCount(Node from, Node to, boolean count_undirected_edges)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
 java.util.List RootGraph.edgesList(Node from, Node to)
          Deprecated. Use getAdjacentEdgeIndicesArray(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) instead.
 int RootGraph.getInDegree(Node node)
          Return the number of Edges e such that e.getTarget().equals( node ).
 int RootGraph.getInDegree(Node node, boolean count_undirected_edges)
          Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
 int RootGraph.getOutDegree(Node node)
          Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
 int RootGraph.getOutDegree(Node node, boolean count_undirected_edges)
          Return the number of Edges e such that e.getSource().equals( node ).
 int RootGraph.getDegree(Node node)
          Return the number of distinct Edges incident on the given Node.
 int RootGraph.getIndex(Node node)
          Return the index of the given Node.
 boolean RootGraph.addMetaChild(Node parent, Node child)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 boolean RootGraph.isMetaParent(Node child, Node parent)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List RootGraph.metaParentsList(Node node)
          Deprecated. Use getNodeMetaParentIndicesArray(int) instead.
 boolean RootGraph.isMetaChild(Node parent, Node child)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List RootGraph.nodeMetaChildrenList(Node node)
          Deprecated. Use getNodeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) instead.
 boolean RootGraph.addMetaChild(Node parent, Edge child)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 boolean RootGraph.isMetaParent(Edge child, Node parent)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 boolean RootGraph.isMetaChild(Node parent, Edge child)
          Nodes and Edges comprise an additional directed graph through the contains-a relationship, in which a MetaParent Node contains each of its MetaChild Nodes and Edges.
 java.util.List RootGraph.edgeMetaChildrenList(Node node)
          Deprecated. Use getEdgeMetaChildIndicesArray(int) instead.

Uses of Node in giny.view

Methods in giny.view that return Node
abstract  Node[] GraphViewChangeEvent.getRestoredNodes()
abstract  Node[] GraphViewChangeEvent.getHiddenNodes()
abstract  Node[] GraphViewChangeEvent.getSelectedNodes()
abstract  Node[] GraphViewChangeEvent.getUnselectedNodes()
 Node NodeView.getNode()

Methods in giny.view with parameters of type Node
 NodeView GraphView.removeNodeView(Node node)
          This will entirely remove a NodeView/EdgeView from the GraphView.
 NodeView GraphView.getNodeView(Node node)
 java.util.List GraphView.getEdgeViewsList(Node oneNode, Node otherNode)
          Note that this will return a list of Edge objects, the other one will return indices